SPECIAL 3 Ist das Kunst oder kann das ins Kino? VR Dokumentarfilm Wasser & Coltan

25, 27, 28, 29 OCTOBER 16 - 17

 DIZ, Friedrich-Engels-Ring 55


DIZ – Digitaler Innovationsraum Neubrandenburg Friedrich-Engels-Ring 55 · 17033 Neubrandenburg

Daniel Kötter | Germany | 2021 | 360° VR 50’

WATER & COLTAN deals with the consequences of mining in West Germany and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

While WATER creates a kind of post-human utopia for the coal-mining region of the Ruhr, COLTAN takes us to the sites of Coltan mining in South Kivu, where a collective of women fights for labor rights The filmmakers talk to social worker Yasmine Bisimwa, lawyer Olande Byamungu and engineer Christian Muhighwain and connect two sides of the same phenomenon in this 360° documentary: the extractive relationship between humans and natural resources, including the long-term consequences for the environment and society.